Generate your own business plan complete with goals. Strategies, forecasts, rations, marketing ideas, etc. The tool includes additional details about each aspect of the plan and comes with its own plan model. It requires Microsoft Office 97 or 95 and a Java-enabled browser in order to work.
Everything is included! PlanMagic Business is one of the finest business plan generating programs available for starting and running businesses. It features all aspects of a professional plan (forecasts, ratios, marketing,goals, strategies, etc.) which you are guided through by the guide. The program runs inside your favourite Java-enabled browser and needs MS Office 97/95.The PlanMagic tool guides you through the model plans. You can modify the model exactly into the plan you need. The guide will prove to be extremely useful. With the touch of a button you can get additional information about every subject you will come across. The final result will astound you and those that need astounding. Now you can do business with confidence.